Are my private classes something for you?

My private yoga sessions are designed for individuals who want to enhance their well-being or need support in managing stress, anxiety, depression, or sleep issues. Whether you're facing these challenges or simply seeking to improve your overall wellness, my approach integrates traditional yoga practices with a deep understanding of mental health and the importance of balancing the nervous system to guide you on your journey. By reconnecting with your body and listening to its needs, you'll not only foster mental well-being but also cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self. These sessions are ideal for those who are motivated to establish a regular practice and take an active role in their well-being.

Yoga teacher in a serene meditative pose, promoting mindfulness and inner peace

Private Yoga for Stress

Stress and the nervous system

Stress is your body’s natural response to internal or external pressures, triggering an activation of the nervous system that floods the body with adrenaline. This response, while necessary in short bursts, can become harmful when it occurs too frequently or remains unchecked. Prolonged elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, increased muscle tension, and heightened blood pressure are all signs of an overactive nervous system, which can create a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety.

In our fast-paced world, the sympathetic nervous system—the part responsible for the fight-or-flight response—is easily triggered, making it difficult to escape this cycle. Prolonged stress is not just a mental burden; it has been directly linked to numerous health issues, including diabetes, anxiety, heart disease, hypertension, and immune system disorders.

The benefits of yoga for stress relief

Incorporating a regular yoga practice into your life can be a powerful tool for managing stress. Yoga helps you become more aware of the early signs of stress in your body, enabling you to respond with a mindful and calm mind. By breaking the cycle of stress, yoga promotes a healthier, more balanced nervous system, reducing the risk of stress-related illnesses and enhancing your overall well-being.

Private Yoga for Anxiety

Anxiety and the nervous system

Anxiety is more than just a feeling; it is a complex response involving both the mind and body. It occurs when the sympathetic nervous system—responsible for the fight-or-flight response—is triggered, whether by a real or perceived threat. This activation leads to both cognitive symptoms, such as worry and concerns, and to physical symptoms, including increased heartrate, respiration, muscle tension and restlessness. These somatic responses are the body’s way of preparing to face danger, even when no immediate threat exists.

The benefits of yoga for managing anxiety

Prolonged anxiety can disrupt your life and well-being, but yoga offers a powerful way to manage these symptoms. Through mindful breathing exercises and hatha yoga poses that promote relaxation, yoga helps calm the nervous system. By practicing regularly, you can train your body to send signals of safety to the brain, which could help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Private Yoga for Depression

Depression and the nervous system

Depression is associated with the dorsal vagal state of our nervous system, also known as the ‘freeze’ state. In this state immobilization of the body and conservation of energy is promoted, leading to a shutdown response characterized by reduced heart rate, lower metabolic activity, and a state of low arousal. This state of the nervous system can manifest in depressive symptoms such as fatigue, feelings of disconnection from your emotions and surroundings, social withdrawal, and changes in appetite and sleep patterns.

The benefits of yoga for managing depression

For individuals experiencing depression, the dorsal vagal state tends to dominate, making it difficult to engage with life fully. Yoga offers a pathway to reconnect with the body and gently shift from this immobilized state to a more active and balanced state. Through specific exercises that promote movement and body awareness, yoga helps restore balance to the nervous system, making it easier to transition out of the freeze state.

Private Yoga for Sleep Problems

Sleep problems and the nervous system

Sleep problems are often the result of a dysregulated nervous system, disrupting your ability to relax and fall asleep. When the sympathetic nervous system—the part responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response—is overactive, it can lead to hyperarousal, making it difficult to switch off racing thoughts and calm the body. This can result in difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or reduces the quality of sleep.

The benefits of yoga for better sleep

Yoga and breathing exercises can help restore balance to the nervous system by promoting a shift from the sympathetic state to the parasympathetic state, which is associated with relaxation and recovery. One particularly effective practice for improving sleep is Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep." Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique that induces deep relaxation by systematically guiding you through the relaxation of different body parts. Regular practice of yoga nidra can improve your sleep quality, helping you to feel more energized and focused during the day.

Ready to start?

If you identify with any of these challenges, I invite you to book a session and begin your personalized yoga journey.