Private yoga sessions in Amsterdam  

Private yoga in Amsterdam tailored to your unique needs

Yoga is a powerful tool for balancing the nervous system. My private classes combine active poses that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system with restorative poses that activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Alternating between these poses helps to ease the shift into relaxation, eventually both on and off the mat. By holding poses for longer periods, you can learn to find comfort in stillness, receive more benefits form each pose, and make it a meditative experience.

This practice helps develop a deep awareness of your body’s transitions between states, empowering you to manage stress and anxiety more effectively in daily life. Whether you're dealing with somatic complaints, anxiety, depression, or sleep issues, my yoga classes can help you ease out of the cycle of stress and bring your nervous system back into harmony. In my classes I use techniques of traditional hatha yoga and yoga nidra.

The classes are available in both English and Dutch

Yoga in the comfort of your home

Personalized guidance from yoga teacher during restorative yoga pose

The classes will take place in the comfort of your own home, where we’ll create a calming environment that fosters a consistent practice. My goal is to empower you to maintain this practice independently over time. All you need is a yoga mat and I will take care of the rest.

Instructor offering supportive adjustments in a private yoga class

I offer my yoga classes in Amsterdam, Purmerend, Zaandam, Haarlem and Weesp. Is your city not listed here? Contact me for further options.

Traditional Hatha yoga

I am trained in a traditional hatha yoga style, called Sivananda yoga. It emphasizes a holistic approach to wellness, blending physical postures (asanas) with breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation, and meditation. Rooted in the teachings of Swami Sivananda, who was both a doctor and a monk, this practice is designed to promote not just physical health, but also mental clarity and spiritual growth. A typical Sivananda class follows a structured sequence of breathing exercises, a warming up, basic hatha postures, with an emphasis on proper breathing and relaxation techniques to calm the mind. During my private classes I will use my background in Sivananda yoga as a framework for the class, and further customize the class to your goals, desires and needs.

Class Styles

Yoga teacher providing gentle alignment in headstand yoga pose
Downward dog in private yoga lesson with hands on adjustments
Mindful yoga adjustments in balancing yoga tree pose
Teacher assist in hatha yoga cobra pose

Yoga Nidra

I am also trained in yoga nidra. Yoga nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep," is a powerful meditation practice that induces deep relaxation and profound rest. Unlike conventional sleep, yoga nidra guides you through a systematic process of conscious relaxation, allowing the mind and body to enter a state of deep tranquility while remaining fully aware. This guided practice involves focusing on different parts of the body, breath awareness, and visualization, helping to release physical, mental, and emotional tension. Regular practice of yoga nidra can improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. In my private classes I could offer a full yoga nidra session or guide you through a short session at the end of a hatha yoga session.

Student lying in savasana for yoga nidra

Start your personalized yoga journey -book a session today.